artist's studio welcome drinks

artist's studio welcome drinks

Victoria Topping Art

from high camp disco to transitional folk art

Victoria Topping is an artist and illustrator with more than a decade of professional experience.

Victoria has held solo exhibitions across the UK and Europe including shows in

London, Barcelona, Strasbourg, Ibiza and Bristol.

Jamillah & Tine - Our Motto
18th of Nov 2023 - This Must Be The Place!

victoria topping party

The tantalising colours, her brilliant inspiration and incredible talent. What’s not to love?


Victoria Topping is a little bit of us. A member of our ‘Cor Crew’, we are inspired by her work.


We spent a buzzy, super fun day in her amazing Bath studios, serving a constant stream of people who came to browse, admire and party!


We kept the crowd coming back for every flavour of Cordiality; served in the main as a sparkling, seltzer style drink, but also elevating prosecco and champagne by adding a delicious dash!


Victoria Topping Party
Victoria Topping - Artist Studio
Cordiality Welcome Drinks