tree planting with treesource

tree planting with treesource

Tree Planting with Team Cordiality

a sustainable revolution in tree planting from the soil up!

TreeSource are creating beautiful communities of trees and people that work together for mutual benefit.

At their regenerative tree nursery and agroforestry, set at the head of a beautiful valley leading down into the

city of Bath, they are developing areas of woodlands to share with their communities.

Working on TreeSource Field
9th of Sept 2023 - working out in the field, near Bath

reaping and sowing

What we take, we return. As a business that relies on the abundance of nature for our flavours and ingredients, we believe in giving back, trying to educate, implement progressive and sustainable food production is the way to safeguard our land and food sources for the future


Being a local Bath based business, we are inspired by our surroundings every day and wish to preserve and improve our environment for generations that follow.


Team Cordiality spent a very rewarding day in the mud learning about, and planting beautiful trees.


Feeding Pigs in Field
Team Cordiality - Mud Learning Session
TreeSource  Beautiful Field